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Inventory Network Services with Nmap

Submitted by on January 14, 2019 – 4:32 pm

With the growing number of network-enabled devices in your home, meaningful security becomes elusive. The first step to addressing the situation is knowing what you have. A few examples below use the nmap utility to scan your local network and detect active devices and services.

Install nmap-to-CSV conversion utility

cd ~ && git clone
/bin/cp -p ./nmaptocsv/ /usr/bin/
chmod 755 /usr/bin/

In my experience, the worked only with Python 2.7, so you may need to install this version as an alternative and update the script to use it.

sed 's/env python$/env python2.7/g' -i /usr/bin/

Define scan parameters

# Current date and time
d=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S')

# Output file

# Network to scan

# Network mask

# Timeout to use with nmap

# Set number of parallel scans to 10 times the number of CPU cores
(( p = `grep -c proc /proc/cpuinfo` * 10 ))

Run the scan

nmap -sn ${netwk}/${netwk_mask} -oG - 2>/dev/null | \
awk '$4=="Status:" && $5=="Up" {print $2}' | sort -uV | \
xargs -n1 -P${p} -I% sh -c \
"nmap --host-timeout ${tout} -p 1-65535 -O -sV -sS -T4 % -oG - 2>/dev/null | \ -d';' -f ip-fqdn-port-protocol-service-version-os | \
tee -a "${f}""

Cleanup the output file

sed '2,${/FQDN/d;}' -i "${f}"
sed '/^\s*$/d' -i "${f}"

Converted to spreadsheet the end result may look something like this

Running this scan on a regular basis and generating a diff report should help you detect new and suspicious devices on your home network.

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